Many people view Monday as a new start and a fresh slate leading into the week. Many people also let their Monday define the way the rest of their week will go. To start on the right foot this and every week, I have listed 11 Practices to Help You Glow from the Inside Out.

Set a bedtime and stick to it. We all hated bedtime as little kids but our parents were on to something.. no morning grouchies or groggy feelings to last the day when your body and mind are getting adequate rest!
Get some fresh air
Enjoy nature. The world is full of such beautiful things and it becomes so easy in our day-to-day to become blissfully unaware of the beauty that surrounds us. We weren’t created to stay locked indoors, breathing the same stale air and live under fluorescent lighting our entire lives – get outside, breathe in some fresh air, take in the views around you and get some much needed Vitamin D.
Keep a schedule
Easier said than done for many of us. Even if you aren’t a “planner person”, write out your daily schedule and stick to it. This will keep you focused and motivated throughout your day and your week, and will take the guess work and a lot of schedule-related stress off of your plate. Make sure to schedule fun and enjoyable things to do each week and to set aside time in your schedule with those you love!
Set goals
Jot down some goals: big and small — some you can work toward and achieve on a daily basis and some that will keep you working over the weeks to come. Not only will this keep you focused, but also give you a sense of achievement as you reach each goal and will keep you motivated to reach the next!
Go for a run, lift some weights, participate in a yoga class — get your heart rate up and give yourself an hour to just focus on working hard. On top of that, your body releases endorphins when you exercise- these endorphins make you feel good, even if you just spent the last 20 minutes in the gym parking lot thinking of reasons to not work out! Over time, the results you see from consistent physical activity will be even more motivating!
Drink enough water
Seriously, drink enough water. Your body needs to know it doesn’t need to hang on to every drop of water it consumes in fear that you are becoming dehydrated and have no water supply. Drink up! You may notice a clearer mind, clearer skin, and a decreased urge to snack all the time.
Clean up your diet
Aim for fresh, wholesome foods to consist of 80% or more of your diet. Give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs. You’ll find that your cravings may be cut and you don’t suffer from the sugar highs and lows associated with a heavy sugar and carbohydrate-based diet.
Have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone. Sometimes your mind just needs a mental reset. Maybe you have a lot on your plate or some things you need to sort out in a place other than the messy floor of your mind. Get together with a friend and just talk. Be the talker or the listener. Sometimes just engaging deeply with another person helps you to sort out your own feelings, to feel needed, and understood by having your thoughts listened to and acknowledged.
Spend time with your pet
Love on your pet. Taking just ten minutes to stop, put down everything else and engage with your pet can make a world of difference in your day and theirs.
Whether it’s lighting a smell-good candle, getting your nails done, taking a nap, working out, reading, etc. – do something for YOU. Prioritizing your own happiness and well-being will only benefit those around you.
Start each day with gratitude. List five things you are truly thankful for each day and focus on your blessings, keeping you in a positive and abundant mindset.
Maybe you’re aware of all or most of these. If that is the case, I hope they can serve as a gentle reminder as to the ways making small changes can make a big impact in your day-to-day. Do you practice any of these? How have they helped you? Do you have any other helpful practices to share?
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